Test Series - computer fundamental

Test Number 76/95

Q: ARPANET stands for?
A. Advanced Research Project Agency Network
B. Advanced Research Programmed Auto Network
C. Advanced Research Project Automatic Network
D. Advanced Research Project Authorized Network
Solution: ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Project Agency Network. It was developed in late 1960s under ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency).
Q: Internet can help you find the shortest route.
A. True
B. False
C. none
D. ..
Solution: The statement is true. Obviously, Internet is so widespread; it can help us in all the possible ways. It can predict the weather, play music, etc.
Q: In this technique, there is no direct contact between users and their programs during execution.
A. Time Sharing
B. Batch Processing
C. System Processing
D. Message Passing
Solution: In the Batch Environment, there is no direct interaction between users and their programs during execution.
Q: A technique that marked the beginning of computer communications.
A. Batch Environment
B. Message passing
C. User Environment
D. Time Sharing
Solution: The answer is time sharing. In time sharing, Users were able to interact with the computer and could share its information processing resources.
Q: A type of technique in which dumb terminals are connected to a central computer system.
A. Time Sharing
B. Message passing
C. Batch environment
D. User environment
Solution: This happens in time sharing. In this, users were able to interact with the computer and could share its information processing resources.
Q: TCP stands for?
A. Transmission control program
B. Transmission control protocol
C. Transfer control program
D. Transfer control protocol
Solution: TCP stands for transmission control protocol. It basically allows different networks to interconnect.
Q: The “Victorian internet” is actually?
A. Telegraph
B. Batch Environment
C. Unit Environment
D. System Environment
Solution: It was a telegraph. Invented in the 1840s. Used extensively by the U.S. Government.
Q: Packet switching was invented in?
A. 1960s
B. 1980s
C. 2000s
D. 1990s
Solution: Packet switching was developed in 1964. In packet switching, the message is broken into parts and then sent over independently.
Q: The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
A. Software Reliability
B. Software Quality
C. Software availability
D. Software Safety
Solution: The answer is software reliability. It is estimated using historical and development data.
Q: DARPA stands for?
A. Data Advanced Research Projects Agency
B. Defense Advanced Research Product Agency
C. Data based Advanced Research Product Agency
D. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Solution: DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) contracted with BBN (Bolt, Beranek & Newman) to create ARPAnet.

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